Why does the price of solar modules continue to drop?

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Although raw material costs in China are slowly stabilizing again, PV module prices continue
to decline as stock levels in European ports remain very high.

Table of the wp price evolution in 2023

For the sixth consecutive month, module prices continued to drop by around 6% on average.
The continued decline in prices has led to a global average reduction of 30% across all
module technologies since the beginning of the year.
Although raw material costs in China are stabilizing, high inventories continue to drive down
module prices. Manufacturers and wholesalers face recurring losses in their daily operations.
To liquidate these accumulated stocks, discounts must be offered, and those unwilling to sell
below production or purchase prices face the prospect of losing out.
In response, manufacturers are managing the situation by slowing the filling of European
warehouses and reducing replenishments.
The duration of this market scenario remains uncertain. The situation could improve with the
rebound in photovoltaic demand in Europe in early autumn, coupled with the end-of-year
rebound in the Chinese market

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